IMPORTANT UPDATE: Our Agency will be CLOSED on Monday, February 17, 2025 in observance of Presidents' Day. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
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How to Apply for Child Care

Applicants are required to participate in a qualifying activity (full or part-time) work, school or a qualifying training program.

Applying for child care services through Allen County Job and Family Services requires you to complete an application, submit verification documents, and choose a child care provider. Please read the following information carefully to ensure your application is processed as quickly as possible. Please note it may take up to 30 days to complete your application. We complete cases in the order they are received and when all verification documents have been received.

New Application or Annual Update Information

If you have already completed an application, you will need to complete an Annual Renewal of Benefits/7204 Application. If you are completing an annual predetermination of Child Care benefits and have misplaced the application mailed to you, or never received your application, please complete and return it with current verification documents before the annual review deadline. If you missed your annual review deadline, please follow the instructions below to apply for services.

To check your status, visit the self-service portal: CLICK HERE

If this is your first time applying, or if you have missed your annual review deadline, please continue to Step 2.

Complete Application

Click apply online above to be directed to the ODJFS Online Benefit Application Portal. Select “Apply for Assistance” under the Child Care Benefits image. Prior to beginning your online application, you will need the following information:

  • Household member information
  • Emergency contact information
  • Employer/School information
  • Chosen child care provider information
  • Child support, social security and other sources of income
  • For employment: Rate of pay and how often paid

Please note that entered information is not saved as you enter it; therefore, it is recommended you complete the application in one sitting. After 10 minutes of inactivity, you receive a 5-minute warning before the browser times out and closes. You will lose any information entered and be required to log back in to begin the application process again. If you need additional assistance creating your online account, or completing your application, please use the resources below:

How to Create your Online Account Job Aid

Online Application Helpful Tips


CLICK HERE TO PRINT AN APPLICATION. Once application is completed, continue to Step 3.



Submit Application

To ensure prompt receipt of documents, please submit applications by:


Fax your signed application to (419) 227-2448 or (419)-228-0420

951 Commerce Pkwy., Lima, OH 45804

951 Commerce Pkwy.
Lima, OH 45804

Provide any Additional Information Requested

When you apply for child care services, you may not have submitted enough information to complete the application. A case manager will contact you to ask for additional documentation. You must supply that information to Child Care within 30 days or your application will be denied.

A denial notice officially informs you that you are NOT eligible for the program. An approval notice informs you that you are eligible for the program.
